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Research & Expertise news at HSE University

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Illustration for news: HSE Hosts Round Table ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects’

HSE Hosts Round Table ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects’

On April 15, 2024 HSE University hosted a roundtable discussion ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects.’ The event featured leading experts from the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Steven Gruzd and Gustavo de Carvalho and was moderated by HSE Vice Rector and Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia Victoria Panova.

Illustration for news: Workaholism Helps Young Narcissists Boost New Venture Performance

Workaholism Helps Young Narcissists Boost New Venture Performance

An international team of researchers including Professor Galina Shirokova, Director of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Centre at HSE University in St Petersburg, and her students Nailya Galieva and Diana Doktorova, examined the impact of narcissism on young entrepreneurs' success. The authors have demonstrated that a company founder's workaholism can amplify the influence of narcissism on a new venture's performance. 

Illustration for news: Expedition to the Himalayas: What To Expect

Expedition to the Himalayas: What To Expect

At the end of April, six students of HSE University-St Petersburg will go on an expedition to the Himalayas, jointly organised with the University of Delhi. They will be collecting data about the anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem of this region, as well as its natural resources and environmental sustainability. 

Illustration for news: Creating a New International Monetary Order: Experts Discuss Financial Issues of BRICS Countries at HSE University

Creating a New International Monetary Order: Experts Discuss Financial Issues of BRICS Countries at HSE University

On April 10th, 2024, a strategic session on monetary and financial cooperation among the majority of world countries was held at HSE University. The event was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia. The main expert at the session was Ali Benouari, formerly holding positions as Algeria's Minister of Treasury and an expert at the Committee on Public Debt, now an advisor to Algeria's Ministers of Finance and Economy.

Illustration for news: 'The Teams Engaged in The New Projects Have Every Opportunity to Achieve Exceptional Scientific Outcomes'

'The Teams Engaged in The New Projects Have Every Opportunity to Achieve Exceptional Scientific Outcomes'

HSE University has announced the results of the first Competition of Joint Basic Research Projects 'International Academic Cooperation' held from December 11, 2023, to April 8, 2024. Highly successful research teams at HSE University, having extensive experience in collaborating with international partners, took part in the competition. A total of 25 applications were submitted from departments across HSE University's campuses.

Illustration for news: First in Russia Dissertation Council for Asian and African Studies Established at HSE University

First in Russia Dissertation Council for Asian and African Studies Established at HSE University

Chaired by Dmitri Bondarenko, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the RAS Institute of Africa, and Director of theInternational Centre of Anthropology at the HSEFaculty of Humanities, the Dissertation Council comprises prominent Russian Orientalists and Africanists from HSE University and other leading institutions.

Illustration for news: Production of the Future: AI Research Centre Presents Its Developments in Manual Operations Control Systems

Production of the Future: AI Research Centre Presents Its Developments in Manual Operations Control Systems

Researchers from the HSE AI Research Centre have built a system for the automated control of manual operations, which finds application in industrial production. The system facilitates the process of monitoring objects and actions, as well as controlling the quality of their execution.

Illustration for news: HSE University Satellites: Three Years in Orbit

HSE University Satellites: Three Years in Orbit

In March 2024, HSE University celebrated an important milestone — the third anniversary of the successful operation in orbit of its first CubeSX-HSE and CubeSX-Sirius-HSE satellites. These spacecraft, created on the basis of the CubeSat platform for Earth observation, continue to function actively, confirming high technological standards and reliability of the university's developments.

Illustration for news: HSE University and Centre of Information and Arabian-Russian Studies Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and Centre of Information and Arabian-Russian Studies Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University has signed a cooperation agreement with the Centre of Information and Arabian-Russian Studies (CIARS) of Saudi Arabia. The agreements reached will contribute to strengthening and advancement of cooperation in the areas of education, research, and culture between HSE University and scientific and educational institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Illustration for news: Mathematicians Reveal the Mechanism behind Neuron Synchronisation: Hyperchaos

Mathematicians Reveal the Mechanism behind Neuron Synchronisation: Hyperchaos

Scientists of the International Laboratory of Dynamic Systems and Applications at HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod have described a rare case of synchronisation in a system of chemically coupled neuron models. The study findings enable a mathematical description of atypical brain functioning modes, including those associated with neurodegenerative diseases. The study has been published in Regular and Chaotic Dynamics.