‘At the Conference We’ll Be Talking about Different Facets of Life in Russia: From New Investment Policy to the Digital Economy’
Today, the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development begins. HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin talks about the main topics that will be covered at the conference, as well as some of the participants.
Exploring Growth Patterns in Russia’s Largest Cities
Robert Buckley, a senior fellow in the Graduate Program in International Affairs at The New School in New York City, works largely on issues relating to urbanization in developing countries. At the upcoming XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, he will be participating a roundtable on Urbanization and Economic Development during which he will give a presentation entitled ‘The Morphology of Large Russian Cities: Patterns and Conjectures’.
From Research on the Arctic to the Rethinking of Marx: What to Expect at the 19th April Conference
On April 10, the XIX April International Academic Conference begins at HSE and will examine economic and social development. 1733 participants are registered and, of these, 264 are from abroad. Fuad Aleskerov and Andrei Yakovlev, members of the Programme Committee, explain what awaits us at the conference.
Examining the Digital Humanities from a Geopolitical and Technocritical Perspective
Gimena del Rio Riande, a researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, Argentina), studies the development, use, and methodologies of scholarly digital tools, as well as how new scientific fields like digital humanities are ‘born’ in a country where technological issues are part of the social, cultural and economic context. At the upcoming XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, she will be giving a lecture entitled ‘Understanding Cultural Persistence and Change’.
Russian National Award in Applied Economics
On April 11, the awards ceremony for the Russian National Award in Applied Economics will take place as part of the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.
‘Artists and Designers Play a Crucial Role in Establishing a Vision of Humanity That Is Sustainable, Equitable and Ethical’
Dr Laini Burton, Senior Lecturer and QCA Honours Program Director at the Queensland College of Art in Australia, studies body politics, bio-art and design, fashion theory, performance and body/spatial relations. At the upcoming XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, she will be delivering a presentation entitled ‘Inside Out: Prosthetic Organs as Wearable Art’.
Ten Factors Ensuring Success in Educational Systems According to PISA Author
On April 14, 2017, Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills at OECD, spoke at the XVIII April Conference at Higher School of Economics (HSE). In 1999, he invented the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), one of the biggest international comparative studies of education quality. His honorary lecture was dedicated to global trends in the transformation of national education systems.

'The Government and Universities Should Complement One Another in Social Policy'
An important area being researched today is the relationship between universities and the government in the formation of socioeconomic policy, and this discussion was raised at the international seminar ‘Universities, Inclusive Development, and Social Innovation’ that took place as part of HSE’s XVIII April International Academic Conference.

‘Russia Won’t See the Huge Oil Money it Had in 2010-2014’
Global demand for oil will likely grow at a slower rate, but the chances that this growth will nevertheless continue until 2035 are still high. Moreover, the European Union will remain Russia’s key trading partner, while China will increase its share of the global economy, but it won’t catch up with Russia in terms of GDP per capita by 2040. Experts discussed these and some other options for Russian economic development over the coming decades based on global trends at the expert discussion ‘The Russian Economy in the International Economic System’ at Higher School of Economics (HSE).
Converting Russia’s Educational Potential into Capital
At ‘Crossroads and Prospects for the Development of Russian Education’, a special session held as part of the XVIII April Conference, experts discussed the section related to education from a recent report on the strategy of Russia’s development by the Centre for Strategic Research. Since investments in education have an effect after 15-20 years, participants analyzed development prospects up to 2035.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025