Hackers, Models, and Greenhouse Gases—Breaking Down Risk Management
For companies, development inevitably comes with an increase in the volume and variety of risks faced. Risk management helps to foresee these risks, adapt to them, and achieve strategic goals. Dzhangir Dzhangirov, Senior Vice President, Chief Risk Officer at SBER, delivered a lecture to HSE ICEF students on how risk management works in the banking system and what new challenges companies face in the fintech era.

HSE Situation Centre Receives Over 500 Inquiries from Students and Employees
For the last three weeks, HSE University has been operating a Situation Centre to support students currently experiencing difficulties. The HSE News Service explains why the Centre was created and what it has achieved so far.
HSE ICEF Team Takes First Place at CFA Institute Research Challenge
The HSE University 2/ICEF team has won the Russian stage of the CFA Institute Research Challenge international financial modelling competition, which concluded on February 28. The team was headed by mentors Dmitry Kachalov and Kirill Chuyko.

‘There is More Freedom and Potential for Experimentation in Sound Than in Images’
In February, the ZIL Culture Centre hosted the ‘Music for the End of the World’ concert by students and teachers of two HSE Art and Design School disciplines: Sound Art and Sound Design and Design and Programming. The HSE News Service spoke to participants of the concert about the programme and their performances.

HSE Situation Centre Has Received over 100 Appeals from Students and Staff
The HSE University Situation Centre (established by the University administration at the initiative of the Student Council) helps HSE students and staff who need support in light of the current international situation. The Centre’s volunteers can provide information about psychological and financial assistance, study process issues, and other questions.

HSE University Holds School of Snow in Perm Region
On February 15–17, the Winter SOS (School of Snow) was held at the Zhebrei ski resort. The event was organised by the HSE Perm Tourist Club and the Student and Alumni Centre. In addition to learning to ski and snowboard, students from all HSE University campuses developed and defended projects focused on the development of domestic tourism in their regions. SOS participants shared their impressions with the HSE News Service.

HSE University and SAS—Training Top Data Experts
In August 2018, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science launched a Joint Department with SAS, a world leader in analytics software. The Department’s objective is to provide better training for future data experts. The HSE News Service reports on the ideas that have come to fruition and how academic teaching is combined with hands-on training there.

HSE Graduate School of Business Holds Crash Course for Prospective Master’s Students
The HSE Graduate School of Business conducted a unique two-day online winter school with cutting-edge teaching and learning practices: case methods, design thinking, and business games. Participants from 16 countries took part in free workshops by business professionals and earned extra points for admission.

Registration Opens for ‘Research Initiative’ Team Project Competition
The HSE Centre for Student Academic Development has started accepting applications for the third ‘Research Initiative’ student team research project competition. Bachelor’s and master’s students from all HSE campuses are eligible to participate. The competition gives students an opportunity to not only take on research roles, but also to try their hand at working as academic managers and supervisors of a small research team. Registration will remain open until February 28.

HSE University Participates in Satellite Navigation Monitoring Project
A team of HSE students is taking part in the development of a Russian satellite automatic identification system (AIS) to monitor sea navigation. The aim of the project is to track the locations of vessels and adjust their routes, including in the Arctic along the Northern Sea Route.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025