‘Two Interdisciplinary Research Centres Can Create New Synergy between Themselves’
In mid-June 2024, HSE University and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna held a joint working meeting. This meeting was the first under an agreement signed by the research centres in 2024, when HSE University and JINR agreed to jointly participate in experiments of the NICA megascience project, as well as interact in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics, information technology, and personnel training. These issues were the focus of the first working meeting. Details are in the JINR report.

Team of HSE University and UNN Students Wins Hackathon to Create IT Centre
A joint team of students from HSE University in Nizhny Novgorod and Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN) won the main prize of the Smart Campus student hackathon and a certificate for 25 million roubles to create an inter-university IT centre. The award was presented by Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Russia’s IT Industry: New Challenges and Post-Pandemic Opportunities
Alarmist forecasts have not come true: the Russian IT industry did not suffer as many losses due to the pandemic as had been expected. But the pandemic increased the need for digital products and made some old problems more acute. What should be done to accelerate the industry’s development? Participants of a seminar at HSE University attempted to answer this question.

Teaching Foreign Languages to Bill Gates and School-children in Africa
New information technologies are fundamentally changing our understanding of what education is. In his lecture at HSE, Luis von Ahn, Co-founder of reCAPTCHA and the educational platform Duolingo talked about how computer programmes teach people to interact and create new social elevators.
Parallels to Take Part in Teaching HSE Students
HSE and Parallels have agreed to cooperate on IT educational programmes. Parallels will start working with students from the HSE’s Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, and a further agreement on cooperation is to be signed with the university’s Computer Sciences Faculty.
‘The Future Growth of the World Economy is Critical for Geopolitical Decisions’
The XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development is scheduled to take place from April 7-10, 2015, but plans are already underway among the organizers and participants alike. Recently, Dale Jorgenson, Samuel W. Morris University Professor of Economics at Harvard University, spoke with the HSE news service about his long history of cooperation with HSE. Professor Jorgenson, an internationally recognized expert on information technology and economic growth, among other subjects, shared his expectations for this year’s conference.
International Lessons in Cyber Law
HSE’s international summer school on cyber law took place for its third time this year and saw the participation of young academics from Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Armenia, India and a number of other countries. Invited experts included Gaetano Dimita of Queen Mary University of London, Giovanni Riccio of the University of Salerno, and David Bernstein from IBM Israel.
Yandex and the Higher School of Economics Are Opening a Faculty of Computer Science
The Higher School of Economics and Yandex are opening a Faculty of Computer Science to train specialists in Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Software Engineering. Former director of Yandex' educational programmes, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Ivan Arzhantsev will be the dean of the new Faculty.
Law in the Digital Era
An international conference entitled ‘Law in the Digital Era’ recently took place at the Higher School of Economics. Irina Bogdanovskaya, head of the HSE Laboratory of Information Law, told us about the results of the conference.
‘Transformation of Ontologies: theoretical foundations and software platform for complex distributed systems’ by Eduard Babkin
A book by Eduard Babkin ‘Transformation of Ontologies:theoretical foundations and software platform for complex distributed systems ’has recently been published by Lambert Academik Publishing, Koln.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025